Monday, January 02, 2012

Welcome To 2182DX - A First Post !

Hi !  Happy New Year to all, thanks for viewing my blog.

Firstly an introduction to this page. This page is my outlet for publishing updates, reports and general findings and any questions I may have from my HF / Shortwave listening. This HF listening covers HF utility, shortwave broadcasting, amateur bands & civil/military air-band stations.

So for my first report, I have details two signals which were found a couple of months back, both of which I'm trying to identify. Both were relatively wideband, one was of short duration burst type, the other a continuous transmission.

Details as follows:

First Signal, received at 2016z 16-10-2011, centred on 9000KHz USB. Signal bandwidth around 15KHz, duration was around 15s, signal level +15dbm above noise floor. (Attached JPG & MP3)


Second signal, received at 1957z 16-10-2011, centred on 9070KHz. Signal bandwidth around
20KHz, continous transmission. Signal level around +35dbm above noise floor. (Attached JPG- MP3)

Any suggestions or clues as to who or what these signals may be would be greatly appreciated...!

Until next time - thanks for looking me up !
73 - Good DX & Be Safe...

1 comment:

Caute Cautim said...

HI 2182DX
This is called Over the Horizon Radar (OTHR) if you use an audio analyser you can work out the number of pulses per second i.e. 50 pps normally with bandwidth of 20 kHz is ZC4 or Cyprus run by the British.
Not sure where you are located, but by tracing nearest Broadcast stations within the spectrum at the time, you can work out the likely source.